Governor calls for dialogue between host community and herders in Magwi


By William Ating – Torit

We are calling for immediate dialogue between the host community and cattle herders in Magwi County”, said Louis Lobong Lojore, Governor of Eastern Equatoria State.

He strongly condemned the act of violence, destruction of farms and displacement of the community in Magwi.

He also called on the entire citizens of the state and host community in Magwi to desist from using violence to resolve grievances.

“As the government we strongly condemn acts of violence, the destruction of farms and the displacement of the Native population, we call for respect for the host communities, their homes, their farms and their culture. on the same note we call upon the host community and the entire community of Eastern Equatoria not to use violence in addressing their grievances, we are calling for dialogue between the host communities and the cattle keepers as they prepare for the short-term modalities and immediate exit strategist, we call all the humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the hundreds of displace person in Magwi county”, Lobong said.

The governors told the leaders of the cattle keepers in Magwi to talk directly to their people to desist from acts of violence and take their cattle back to their original land.

“As a matter of urgency the government of Eastern Equatoria state calls on the leaders of those communities who came with their cattle to Magwi to talk to their people to desist from act of violence and to take their cattle back to avoid further conflict”, he said.

The Governor of Eastern Equatoria made the statements to the press at the State Secretariat on Monday.