Eastern Equatoria and Pibor communities agree to peacefully coexist


Toposa of Kapoeta in Eastern Equatoria State and Murle, Jie and Kachipo of Pibor Administrative Area agreed to live and coexist peacefully after successful four-day dialogue at Boma.

According to Radio Emmanuel, the agreement is to bring an end to cattle raiding, all forms of individual disputes and child abduction cases.

Governor’s press secretary Aliandro Lotok Paul told the media that there was tension between Toposa and the three communities of Boma where they allegedly accused each other of cattle raiding and child kidnapping.

“The Murle and the Kachipo were accusing the Toposa cattle herders of raiding their cows and the Toposa were accusing them of abducting their children and became short of tension in that area. But the governor of Eastern Equatoria Louis Lobong Lojore and the Chief Administrator of Pibor Administrative area Lokole Amee Bullen decided to jointly workout how the can bring these communities together to deliberate on how best they can resolved this conflict so the call these communities in Boma they discuss for four days. They blamed themselves they accused themselves, but at the end they signed agreement to live in peace, share resources, end cattle theft and child abduction”, he explains.

Lotok says the agreement contains several resolutions in regards to peaceful coexistence of communities with rules for ongoing cattle migratory season.

He explains that the Boma peace dialogue serves as a platform to promote peace among Toposa and communities of the Greater Pibor Administrative area.

“As a government this was good and we also know that the members of the four communities signed that agreement that officially set the rules for the ongoing cattle migratory season that has recently been a source of tension. The Boma peace dialogue serves as a platform to promote peace and harmony among the Toposa and the communities of the greater Pibor Administrative Area, through that agreement, livestock herders from Toposa are now allowed to cross into Boma area to search for water points and grazing ground for their animals during the dry season they will go back to their area when the rains begin”, Lotok elaborated.

Governor’s press secretary Aliandro Lotok Paul made the remark to the media on Monday at the Governor’s palace in Torit, Eastern Equatoria State.