Farmers decry climate change effects

Farmers faces drought in South Sudan due to shortage of rain...

The farmers in Tonj South County of Warrap state are facing shortage of rain according to Don Bosco radio.

The female farmer who identifies herself, Asunta Noko Saleh says that drought has destroyed their plants in the garden, since it had not rained for a long time.

She explained that there is a shortage of rain which is going into two months from June up to now. 

Noko added that all the planted crops got damaged in the field across Tonj South.

Last year was better, then this year if you compare climate effects, Sali explained.

Amali Thom, a woman residing at Hi Muzevin added that all the planted crops like maize, okra, bean, dura and groundnuts are being damaged by drought, however she makes a request to the ministry of agriculture and humanitarian assistance to supply them with seeds.


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