Governor Adil leads cleaning campaign ahead of Independence

C.E Governor, Emmanuel Adil leads mass cleaning campaign in Juba. Credit: Office of the Governor

Central Equatoria State Governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony joined a mass cleaning campaign in Juba on Saturday ahead of the anticipated Independence Day. 

Governor Adil joined the acting Mayor, Emmanuel Khemis Richard, and other State officials in collaboration with the Eritrean community as they cleaned the custom market a day before the commemoration of South Sudan’s anticipated 12th Anniversary.

Addressing the media, Governor Adil said the cleaning campaign is a way to combat littering the environment and managing waste and garbage in the capital city. 

The Governor highlighted that the campaign should mean everyone’s responsibility to manage waste and garbage.

“This is going to mark a serious campaign that the government is putting in place to fight the phenomenon affecting our lives, and that is littering the environment,” the Governor pointed out.

Governor Emmanuel Adil, partaking in the mass cleaning campaign in Juba

Governor  Adil stated that it is absurd to see the capital city of South Sudan littered with waste without a proper management system. 

South Sudanese citizens have been criticizing the government for not being able to organize the independence celebrations for the last few years.

Despite the mass cleaning campaign that governor Adil partake, there is no independence celebration in Juba.

However, the Governor is expected to travel to Kajo-Keji county where he be commemorating the 12th Anniversary celebration

For his part, the Acting mayor says it is their policy as a state to make sure Juba city is clean and green.

Khemis appreciated the Eritrean community for joining hands in the cleaning campaign. 

Last month, the former BOSS of Juba City Council Michael Allah-jabu terminated the contract with Go-green East Africa, a waste management company after the company was dragged to court by Simon Trading company limited over unpaid arrears.


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