Government and NGOs should join hands to fight statelessness


South Sudan government focal point on statelessness urges the government and NGOs to join hands together to fight against statelessness.

Major General John Kule Pacifioco says during a workshop that the government cannot fight alone, but should work together with NGOs, CSOs and journalists.

“Statelessness I think you will not be 100% successful, do it jointly, assist, give your participation, engage so that all of us stand as one body, and as one people with one goal, I think we can do something, it’s really problem for anybody who doesn’t know what is statelessness”.

He calls on the participants to take the information to their offices so that the communities across the country know about statelessness.

Deputy Representative of UNHCR, Juliette Murebeyson thanks the department of passport and immigration for its continuous support against statelessness in South Sudan.

“I would like to thank the minister of Intro and the department of civil registry, passport and immigration of South Sudan for its continue support and collaboration in fight against statelessness in South Sudan, to make a different and send the message that everyone belongs, government, Civil society, journalists, and friend of South Sudan must strength effort, every participant here presence has an important role to play to address statelessness by complementing each other and bring our respective knowledge and resources on the table”.

She hopes every South Sudanese citizen has national Identity card as they belong to this country.

Deputy Director of Training and Human Resource Development, Lt, Col. Akoc Akuei Manhiem, discloses that, the department of Nationality, passport and immigration still has problems in registering its nationals.

He adds that some parts of South Sudan have no center for nationalities.

He calls on UNHCR to continue supporting the government to extend its program of issuing nationality to the villages.

The officials were speaking on Wednesday at Palm Africa Hotel during review and celebration of the 7th anniversary of Ibelong campaign to eradicate statelessness.