Community Centre inaugurated in Wau to promote Civic Engagement


The United States Agency for International Development through the Shejeh Salam project has inaugurated the newly constructed Wau Civic Engagement Centre.

The inauguration ceremony was presided over by the state Governor Sarah Cleto Rial, other government officials, the Chief of the Party for Shejeh Salam; UNMISS representatives, Regional Coordinators of different organizations, and members of the Relief Reabibilation Commission

The Chairperson of the Wau Civic Engagement Centre Linda Ferdinand said the center was established to provide services to the people by offering a platform for research, learning, and the provision of permanent offices to CSOs.

The center offers a free internet cafe for research, training halls, and a library targeting CSOs, learning institutions, associations, unions, the community, and academia.

The Chief of the Party for USAID Shejeh Salam Mary Alastin said that USAID gained interest in supporting the construction and furniture for the center to ensure that community members are granted access to information through the provision of the internet, provide civic education, and raise awareness to the community.

The Governor of Western Bahr El Ghazal Sarah Cleto Rial congratulates all the CSOs for having been granted support by USAID through the Shejeh Salam organisation to complete the construction of the centre.

Sarah Cleto said that the center will help the government raise awareness about the election in the community.

“As we prepare for the upcoming election, we are going to use this center to sensitize the community about the election” she emphasized.


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