Germany funds €4.5 Million for vocational training and aid in South Sudan

German Ambassador to South Sudan addressing youth being trained in various skills.

The German government has funded a 4.5 Million Euros project in support of Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexuz at Greater Bahr el Ghazal region.

The humanitarian fund is meant to benefit 64,000 direct recipients and over 110,000 other indirect beneficiaries according to a press release by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Juba.

The project to be implemented by World Vision in collaboration with ACDF (Action for Children Foundation) in South Sudan primarily targets displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, children, and women.

A key component of the project includes the implementation of a technical and vocational education and training (TVET) center in Aweil.

The NEXUS Project is designed to accelerate stabilization and strengthen the resilience of conflict-affected households, communities, and local systems.

The project aims to strengthen community resilience against natural and man-made shocks and crises through improved community-based disaster risk reduction and conflict resolution systems.

It also promotes sustainable food security and income generation for communities in Aweil East and Aweil North in Greater Bahr el Ghazal.

The project was launched in August 2022 and will run until December 2026 according to German Embassy’s press release.


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