Troika condemns deadly attack in Abyei

The TROIKA countries including the United States, Norway, and the United Kingdom.

The TROIKA countries including the United States, Norway, and the United Kingdom have expressed deep concern over the recent killing of Abyei deputy Chief Administrator and his bodyguards.

In a statement, the three Embassies in Juba described the killing as political competition among the leaders.

Deputy Administrator of Abyei, Noon Deng Nyok, and several of his colleagues were killed on Sunday, December 31, 2023, in a road ambush.

Troika Member States urge South Sudanese leaders to desist from the use of violence as a tool for political or economic competition perpetuates a dangerous cycle and must be universally rejected by all.

In a joint statement, it said, “This attack and all other incidents of violence should be investigated, and perpetrators held accountable.”

Meanwhile in recent report, the Authority in Abyei alledgedly  accused neighboring Twic youth of the attack despite a lack of evidence since no culprits were identified.

The Commissioner of Twic County in Warrap state, Simon Aguek Chan has denied accusation saying the killing was carried out by armed youth from Unity State, a claim not independently verified.

The government of Unity state is yet to respond on the allegation leveled against them.


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