Catholic leaders commissioned to prepare for the forthcoming election

Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan His Grace Bert Van Megan

Chagai Mading Chagai, Jr.

The Special Representative of the Holy Father Pope Francis told the Catholic Church in South Sudan to get organized and prepare the faithful for the upcoming election.

Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan His Grace Bert Van Megan says the Church must guide voters not according to ethnic lines.

South Sudan is expecting to conducts a general election at the end of the transition government in December 2024

“In 2024 the government is planning for an election and the church could think of preparing the people for that event by creating awareness on how to vote without aligning to the tribal prospection”. Vatican Ambassador adds.

The Vatican Ambassador also mentions that the election brought major challenges that need the Church to participate in creating awareness about the election and preach peace among the communities.

“With that participating as a church we are working for the future of our entire country citing that the visit of the Holy Father to the country helps in creating the way for the church to participate by reflecting deeper on the messages of the Pope and homilies to the people it would help cementing foundation for the true future definition of South Sudan” Nuncio adds.

The Vatican ambassador for Kenya and South Sudan was addressing the Catholic Bishops of Sudan and South Sudan in Molom in Wau Western Bahr EL Ghazal.


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