There are vacancies for parties to Revitalized Agreement, says leader


By James Lokong Augustine-Torit

The chairperson for Other Political Parties in Eastern Equatoria State, Joseph Opio Wilson, clarified that there are vacant places for parties to revitalized peace agreement and some positions in the state.

He says Deputy Mayor for Land, Deputy Commissioner for Revenue Authority, Chairperson for Investment and Deputy Chairperson for Insurance and Regulations.

“For me to make clarifications pertaining the revitalized peace agreement, pertaining the positions at the state level particularly in Eastern Equatoria State, it is very clear that the positions that are remaining to be given to the parties one in the deputy mayor for infrastructure which is the deputy mayor for land in Torit, two the deputy commissioner for revenue authority, three the deputy chairperson for investment and the deputy chairperson for insurance and regulations. These positions were remaining vacant and they are supposed to be given to the parties to the Revitalized Agreement”, he explains.

Opio says the positions were agreed to be given to SPLM/IO, SSOA and OPP

He says the political parties were to submit the names of the nominees to the state governor for appointment, but that nothing was received from parties.

“We have agreed that these positions has to be given to three parties, SPLM/IO, SSOA and OPP, after our meeting to all the parties to the revitalized agreement we resolved that the three parties has to go and sit down and agree and submit the names of the selected people to the Honourable governor for appointment, we sat two times almost three times we couldn’t agree who is to take which position, now since we failed to agree, it become very difficult to submit the names, in principles we are supposed to submit one paper name which all of us will agree and sign”, he notes.

The legislator says if there is failure by the parties on principle of agreement, then each party should come up with its position.

“Now since we fail to agree the better method on principle of the agreement, said if consensus are failed to be reached then each party will come with position, the position means you come with justification why you really want that position, this is what the revitalized peace agreement said and then we are supposed to convey again a leadership from meeting and justify why do we want this position”, the MP clarifies.

Opio says OPP demands a position on the principle of agreement and the parties deserve to have one head of independent commission because they are more than eight.

The speaker made the remarks to journalists at state secretariat on Tuesday