Governor announces donating 25 plots to Al Hillal Football Club


Amin Joseph James

Governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Sarah Cleto Hassan Rial on Monday announced donating 25 plots of land to Al Hillal Football Club, the Champion of the 11th South Sudan Cup upon their arrival in Wau.

Voice of Hope Radio quoted her earlier congratulating the team for winning the South Sudan Cup.

The governor apologizes for poor support from the government to the team, citing that was due to the shortage of fund in the state.

Sarah announced that the plots are a reward to Al Hillal FC as for their outstanding performances in the just concluded South Sudan Cup.

She further adds that the plots should be distributed to each and everyone in the squad.

On Tuesday, 22 Feb 2022 Al Hillal FC of Wau was crowned as the champion of South Sudan Cup after defeating Zalan FC of Rumbek 2-0.

The team was warmly received by the people of Wau upon its arrival from Juba on Monday.