‘Many good people die for the good of their country’, says vicar-general

Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Yei Fr Zachariah Angutuwa Sebit said there are many good people who died for the good of this country.
He mentioned Sister Veronica Teresa as an example of those good people who died while doing good things for their country, Radio Easter reported.
He stressed that ‘Sister Veronica’s signs are full in our hearts because when she died her blood was in our hands’.
Fr Angutuwa also said ‘we should remember Dr John Garang de Mabior who struggled for the liberation of our country South Sudan’.
‘We have many people who died in the churches and in our communities, today we are remembering them and praying for them and let their good hearts bring for us peace’, said Fr Angutuwa.
The Vicar General was giving his homily on Thursday morning at Christ the King Cathedral in Yei.