The Federation of Uganda Football Association or FUFA is training secretaries of the various football associations in South Sudan on l administration and management...
Gbudue State Director-General at the Ministry of Information encourages youth to play football with passion. Radio Anisa quotes, Zingbondo Emmanuel appreciating the young people who...
South Sudan cup competition convened in Yei River State on Tuesday starting with Nassir and Hai Leben Football teams. Speaking to Radio Easter during the...
Geria County commissioner vows to engage youth in productive activities such as agriculture, wrestling and football competition. Speaking to Radio Emmanuel Dominic Onyu encourages young...
The head coach of City Stars Football Club is urging people of Yei to support youth in sports activities especially football. Malish David says when...
Western Lakes Local Football Association has launched on Wednesday the states champions' competition at Rumbek Freedom Square. According to Good News Radio before the initial...
The champions of South Sudan premier league in the states reached Western Lakes Capital, Rumbek on Sunday. Speaking to Good News Radio, the Chairman of...