Wau Diocese Justice and Peace Commission extended the celebration of International Women Day to rural areas.
The commission called women from different chapels of Ngodakala parish to celebrate the international Women’s day under the theme “Woman has no tribe”Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission Coordinator, Natalina Andrea Mabo, said the celebration in the rural area is to remind women about the important role they play in their families.
She noted that most celebrations on international women’s day are done in towns leaving out the rural women who are most exposed to domestic violence.
Ms. Andrea pointed out that polygamy is the main cause of domestic violence in most families in the rural areas.
She asserted that the current economic situation does not favour marrying many wives.
MS Andrea called on the women to clean away the tears of violence and embrace forgiveness in order to realize development.
During the celebration the women voiced unfaithfulness, alcoholism, inheritance and forced marriages as some of the family challenges in the rural areas.