The residents of Tonj South County in Warrap State were happy about the land survey exercise that started on Wednesday in the town.

Mary Azaki told Don Bosco Radio that the machine started grading at her property and that she had to remove her house.

She added that she was not sad because the town needed the survey.

Ms Azaki said the survey would allow people to build their houses properly in the town.

Alembeny Ngong said the grading machine knocked down one of his houses but he was given another plot to rebuild.

He added that he was very happy that the Government was working to set everything up properly for people to build their homes.

Mr Ngong advised other people to allow the contractors to come onto their property and remove buildings if they are on the roadways.

He added that the land survey office was not discriminating among the residents.

Ayen Achut said the houses that the grader removed would be built in the new place given to them by the government.

She added that having a good road between the houses would avoid accidents and keep children from injury.