Central Equatoria State Bureau of Statistic graduated 40 statistician and planners that were trained on computer data management to form the State Information Working Group.

Acting State Statistical Director Mansuk Moses Timon said the purpose for training statisticians and planners was to strengthen the data system of the state and enhance their capacity on computer data management, Bakhita Radio reported.

He said the statisticians and planners were drawn from various ministries in the state government.

UNDP country representative Amanda Serumaga said the agency will continue to support the work of the state bureau of statistic to collect, manage and process statistics to support development addressing the challenges in the state.

She congratulated the 40 women and men who concluded the formation.

Deputy Governor Manase Lomole Waya, who presented the speech of the Governor, emphasised collaboration among stakeholders to achieve the Government’s development agenda.

He said accurate reports and reliable statistics needed human, technical and financial support.

Central Equatoria State Information Management Working Group was launched in partnership with the Ministry of Finance with UNDP’s support.