Farmers from Nuba Mountains were told to respect nature avoiding burning grass and cutting trees to make room for fields.

Around October and November after the rain finish, farmers burn bushes to clear space.

Kumbur Payam Agriculture Officer, Andrew Nasir Achobi, told people they should not burn grass at random because they also kill the animals that live inside the bush.

They also expose the soil to erosion because without plants the rain washes nutrients away.

Mr Nasir said grass is very important to cover houses and to feed animals and should not be burned.

He also urged people not to cut threes saying they are useless because 90 percent of trees can be used to produce medicines.

Mr Nasir explained that trees attract rainfall which is critical for agriculture.

He urged farmers not to cut trees in their fields but to prune them instead.

The Agriculture Officer appealed to all the community to notice the importance of trees and grass and to conserve the environment.