Consumers at a Juba’s local market said on Saturday that the prices were “terribly high” dismissing claims by National Bureau Statistics that food commodities were cheaper in September.

CRN visited Konyokonyo market to measure prices and opinions.

Former undersecretary Julia Aker Duany told CRN that prices were terrible.

She said a kilo of green peppers cost five founds.

Dr Aker said 50 Pounds could not feed an extended family in Juba per day.

She described that National Statistic Bureau’s figures as lies not based on common women shopping experience.

Central Equatoria Education Minister Margaret Ayite Milyan said prices were far better and relatively different from one market to the other.

She said she bought a chicken for 65 Pounds, and a small bucket of tomatoes cost 25 Pounds.

Okwa Paul, a stall owner, sells apples, oranges and eggs.

He said the prices for fruits are stable but other food items are increasing by the day.

Mr Paul added that there is significant reduction in vegetables like tomatoes and onions.

He said a sack of onions fell from 350 Pounds two months ago to 75.

A chapatti maker, who did not want to reveal his name, said the prices were going up.