The civil society in the nascent South Sudan needs conflict analysis and mediation skills to be able to intervene and sort out conflicts.

The South African based Civil Society organisation African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes Ð ACCORD Ð organized a four-day training to equip civil society members in the country with conflict analysis and processes mediation skills.

ACCORD’s Country Director, Kwesi Sansculotte Greenidge, told CRN that the training meant to transfer knowledge to participants on conflict analysis and understanding mediation processes and skills.

He said the training was part of a wider capacity building programme for civil society groups in South Sudan.

Dr Sansculotte explained that a good mediator is like cartoon character Mickey Mouse with thick skin, big ears and eyes.

He said the mediators on South Sudan and Sudan are facing criticism but they should be able to take any criticism, listen and see both sides’ views beyond what they present.

Dr Sansculotte added that key elements include being impartial and judge cases based on merits Ð not personal opinion Ð and perform thorough conflict analysis before taking a mediation role.

The participants are also trained on proposal writing.