An official with the Ministry of Health in Lakes Sate Friday defended the State hospital’s personnel over claims of inefficiency.

On Wednesday, Wulu County Member of Parliament Shadrack Bol Machok expressed dissatisfaction with the way patients are handled at the Hospital in Rumbek, accusing doctors and nurses of negligence.

Acting Director General for Lakes State Ministry of Health, Michael Mading Kacuol, told journalists that such complains arise when people arrive at the hospital with critically ill patients expecting to find a doctor on standby at the emergency department, Good News Radio reported.

He explained that the doctor at the hospital is always on duty in the morning and on call in the evening, but sometimes people get impatient while the doctor is attending other patients.

Dr Mading disclosed that the State Ministry is expecting a consignment of drugs from the National Ministry of Health.

He announced that dental and X-Ray units will be operational soon at the Rumbek State Hospital.

The Director General said Rumbek is the only referral hospital in Lakes Sate.

Dr Mading added that the service is overstretched.

He said the hospital has enough space at the surgical, maternity and paediatric wards.

Dr Mading said that the medical ward has a capacity of 26 beds and the number is usually outweighed by the high number of pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea patients.

He announced that plans for expansion are already underway.

Rumbek State hospital is the only referral hospital for the eight counties of Lakes State.

It has bed capacity for 150 patients.