The Pope has urged the Bishops of Sudan to strengthen their commitment to Catholic Education in order to prepare Catholic lay women and men for full involvement in church and society.

Pope Benedict received the 13 bishops and heads of diocese of Sudan in audience today at the end of their official visit to the Vatican.

The Pope encouraged the prelates to strengthening Catholic education and prepare lay people in particular to bear witness to Christ in every aspect of family, social and political life.

Pope Benedict said if peace is to plant deep roots, concrete efforts must be made to diminish the factors contributing to unrest, particularly corruption, ethnic tensions, indifference and selfishness.

The Pontiff praised the efforts made by the Catholic leadership to assist the poor to live in dignity and self-respect, to help them find long-term work and to enable them to make their proper contribution to society.

Pope Benedict urged the bishops and heads of diocese to be the first teachers and witnesses of communion in faith and the love of Christ.

He asked them to share common initiatives, listen to collaborators, help priests, religious and faithful to accept and support one another as brothers and sisters, without distinction of race or ethnic group, in a generous exchange of gifts.

The Pope urged the leaders of the Catholic Church in Sudan to keep on promoting cooperation with Muslims in practical initiatives through a “dialogue of life” which in his view is the first step towards genuine interreligious respect and understanding.

The Catholic bishops of the Sudan ended today their week-long visit to the Pope and to the Vatican offices to report on the state of their dioceses.

The Bishops of Sudan were in the Vatican for the so called “ad limina” visit in December 2003.