Catechists from the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek received over 130 bicycles to fasten the spreading of the Word of God in Lakes State.

Don Bosco Ochieng distributed the bicycles to catechists at the Sacred Heart Parish that shares the compound with Good News Radio in Rumbek.

He said the bicycles are being distributed to active catechists in all the parishes of the diocese as a means to enhance their work of evangelization.

Fr Don Bosco acknowledged the active involvement of catechists in the service of the Word of God, citing their service of preparing children for various sacraments.

He prayed that the bicycles become a means for spreading the Word of God and not a source of conflict and confusion.

Abraham Long Ater, assistant Catechist at Sacred Heart Malualbab Parish, received one bicycle. He told Good News Radio that he will use it for evangelization work.

He urged his fellow catechists to cooperate with priests and religious in the diocese for the Word of God to reach more people.

Mr Long reconfirmed his availability to continue spreading the Word of God through catechesis.

MIVA-Austria gave the money to buy over 130 bicycles that are being distributed to active catechists in the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek.