National Assembly members banned a Bakhita Radio journalist from reporting from the House two days after he was manhandled by security personnel at the parliament.
MPs this morning discussed the incident at length and a column on the beating written in today’s The Citizen.Mading Ngor told Bakhita Radio this afternoon that some MPs in the national assembly accused him falsely of being drunk when the parliament guards beat him on Monday.
He added that other MPs said he was a freelancer, although he is full time staff of the Catholic Radio.
Mr Ngor said Joyce Kwaje who heads the committee for information in the Assembly made a number of serious allegations.
He explained that the head of parliament Security committee, Aleu Ayench, recommended that freelancers should not be allowed in the parliament.
Mr Ngor said immediately the parliament guards asked him to pick his equipment and leave, and escorted him out of the House after photocopying his Identity Card.
Mr Ngor said his harassment and expulsion from the parliament was not a personal or isolated incident but a politically motivated attempt on freedom of information in South Sudan.
He asked fellow journalists to fight for the media bills in order to secure the freedom of expression in the new nation.
Mr Ngor said it was a shame for the parliament to raise a motion for over one hour about a journalist who only wanted to inform the public about what was being discussed in the House.