The Southern Sudan Elections High Committee held today a workshop in Juba to present the Professional media Guidelines and Directives in view of the forthcoming elections.

Meaghan Fitzgerald, Public Information Adviser of UNMIS Electoral Assistance Division in the Regional Office for Southern Sudan, told SCR News that the Southern Sudan High Committee had invited Professor Akolda Man Tier, commissioner of NEC, and NEC Media Adviser, Mr. Abu Bakr Waziri, to present the guidelines in Southern Sudan.

In attendance were the members of the Southern Sudan High Committee and the chairmen of the ten State High Committees in Southern Sudan.

Chairmen of the political parties active in the South, and Executive directors and Chief Editors of media houses had been invited to the workshop.

Ms. Fitzgerald clarified that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the NEC guidelines and hear the concern of political parties and media houses in regards to their application

The opening remarks were offered by the vice-chairman of the Southern Sudan High Committee, Mr. Anthony Ariki Lowly, while Prof. Akolda Man Tier spoke of the relevance of the media during elections and some concerns about the role of the government in the radio and television.

Mr. Waziri offered a detailed presentation of the guidelines, with particular focus on the right for parties and candidates to equal time in the government media.

The logistical organization of the workshop was facilitated by UNMIS, through IOM, while UNDP provided the necessary funds.