The African Union office in Juba said it would advice the organization to help returnees coming from Sudan.

Mashood Issaka, senior political officer at the African High Level Implementation Panel in Juba, said he and his two other colleagues yesterday were at Juba port to hear from the returnees aders the challenges they faced on their journey back home, Bakhita Radio reported.

He said he intends to advice the AU to support the returnees from Sudan through the post conflict reconstruction and development unit.

Mr. Issaka explained that his organization would follow the returnees in the rural areas to help build small schools, toilets and health centres.

He said he was at Juba River Port in a fact finding mission to strategize areas that need AU assistance.

Mr. Issaka met with William Chan, who chairs the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, and Mireille Girard, UNCHR chief of mission in South Sudan.

Yesterday over 3,000 returnees arrived in Juba after an 18-day trip by barge from Kosti, in the Sudan.

Many lamented that they faced lack of health care and food on their journey home.