Pastoral Councils training concluded with calls for formation of pastoral team


Parish Pastoral Councils training at Catholic Diocese of Torit concluded with a call for formation of Pastoral Team. 

The Pastoral Coordinator in the Catholic Diocese of Torit Father Lounoi Santino said the Bishop wants the pastoral team to be formed next year.

“This kind of training we hope that they will continue, we really want them to continue. I in my part through the advice from the bishop you know the bishop wants the pastoral team to be form and of course that is the plan for next year that there should be the pastoral team and pastoral team we know people were already there so we shall revive the same people and may be add some so that we can have a pastoral team, so they will be training we hopeful that the partners will cooperate with us,” Father Santino highlighted.

Okuye Cyprian, a participant in the training hailed the administration of CDOT for the exercise, he added that they are going to make big difference in the parishes

He said,”On behalf of the participants I would like to give thanks. We have really learned a lot as I have heard that this is the first diocesan pastoral council training that means it combines all in the catholic diocese of Torit. I think we have really learned a lot with this training we are going to make a big different in our parishes and we have taken a lot of recommendation from ourselves as parishes and from our facilitators.”

The Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Torit Father John Sebit Marcello asked the parish councillors to be the agents of the church protect

Vicar General stated that, “You the parish councils you are the agents of church, you are the one to protect the father and protect the Christians, you are the voice especially in term of the land of the church, the land is come from the parish not from the office here because the land start from the landlord, Boma chief, Payam and it comes to Executive Officer, it comes to Commissioner and from there it come to the bishop, bishop writes. These are the documents when you present to the minister of infrastructure smoothly you will be given the land lease.”

The speakers made the remarks during the end of training of Parish Pastoral Councils on the roles and their responsibilities.


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