Catholic Journalists asked to Amplify Aspirations of Migrants, Refugees

Participants attending training that the African region of the World Catholic Association for Communication, SIGNIS Africa, organized in Kampala, Ug, //Credit: Sr. Adelaide Felicitas

The Vatican-based Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) has urged Catholic journalists in Africa to amplify the aspirations of migrants and refugees.

In his message to Catholic journalists participating in the Uganda training that the African region of the World Catholic Association for Communication, SIGNIS Africa.

Michael Cardinal Czerny acknowledges the “privileged position” that Catholic journalists have in making known the “cry” of migrants and refugees.

Cardinal Czerny says that Catholic journalists “become contributors to the practice of good politics, bridging the aspirations of migrant people and offering recommendations towards possible solutions to their plight.” 

He says this should be achieved by amplifying the voices of migrants and refugees,

He invites Catholic journalists in Africa to “explore the Pastoral Orientations on Intercultural Migrant Ministry and the good practices of many communities throughout the world in their efforts to enlarge the tent.”


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