Southern Sudanese are with their minds and hearts more in the 2011 referendum than in the April general elections, a local polls watchdog said.

Sudan Domestic Election Observation and Monitoring Programme (SuDEMOP) presented today to the press and partners its observers’ findings and conclusions on the voter registration and exhibition exercise.

The elections independent watchdog says that, after analyzing reports from 160 observers who visited 129 registration centres in nine states in Southern Sudan, the exercise was generally successful.

It added that citizens “seemed more focused on the referendum other than the upcoming general election.”

SuDEMOP secretary-general, Merekaje Lorna, told SCR News that the exercise was positive taking into account the electoral history of the country and a very encouraging turnout.

However, Ms. Merekaje pointed out that very few people turned up to check if their names were in the voter registers and their personal information correct.

The report added that some of its observers were harassed and even arrested while doing their work because some State Eletions Committees did not issue accreditation cards.

SuDEMOP says that rules regarding age, identification and residence were not followed especially in Juba, Maridi and Malakal.