Regular Listeners Call For An End To Cattle Raids In The State.


By Regina Osfaldo-Torit

Regular callers of Radio Emmanuel in Torit of Eastern Equatoria State are asking the entire community to refrain from cattle raids and to engage more in education and activities that will in turn benefit the State and the country at large.

A caller known as Anti-Corruption from Chukudum of Eastern Equatoria says the community should participate in developmental activities rather than cattle raids that weaken the development of South Sudan.   

//People still following issues of cattle raiding, this things are not good they are taking us backward so tell Eastern  Equatoria we should go with education and agriculture and our land is for agriculture not for playing  so we have to do same thing good that we have to benefit our state payams and our counties issue of cattle raiding should be left behind let our children go to school our children go for farming as our woman do other things woman should not fight men and men don’t fight woman lets people fight with grass in the farms people should  cultivate sorghum in the gardens such that tomorrow we shall benefit in Eastern Equatoria//

Meanwhile Mama Lucy Iliha Quinto from Juba comments that cattle raids were not a common issue in the past. She strongly condemns the act urging that this year should be a year of peace and unity.

Mama Lucy adds that the most contributing factor to cattle raids in some communities is due to high bride prices.

//Cattle raiding, this things are not good but long-time they were not there, why this time if we want to learn this things it’s not good even if you want to marry with a woman this woman you are marrying with same cattle from raiding that means she may not live a very good life, her life will be tight with such deeds because it is some ones’ sweat and that person got it in his own ways you raid and you’re going to use it for marriage let’s leave this issue of cattle raiding and very expensive marriage as we were marriage with sixty pounds by then was twelve pounds so it is good number of cows down but this ones that married with ninety or one thousand cows so if he cannot can’t get and he may forced to go and raid//

On Thursday, the exchange of gunshots between cattle raiders and soldiers in an attempt to recover the animals raised fear as citizens ran for protection and businesses closed down in Torit town.

Radio Emmanuel callers made their remarks during “Our Community Our Responsibility,’’ Program on Friday.