South Sudanese are called to donate and support Pope visit to the Country


Cecilia John Akile Soghair

The Bishops’ Conference for Sudan and South Sudan are calling on South Sudanese, well wishers and all the faithful to kindly donate and support the visit of Pope to South Sudan which is expected to take place on July 5th.

The Chairperson of financial committee who is the Catholic Bishop of Wau diocese explains that there are two bank accounts of USD and SSP opened for the donation in Eco Bank in Juba-South Sudan.

According to H.L. Matthew Remijo Adam Gbitiku, the account name is Papal Visit to South Sudan.

The Catholic bishop encourages the people to kindly raise their support for the success of the Pope’s visit.

H.L. Matthew Remijo Adam in his conclusion describes the expected visit of Pope Francis as a great blessing from God to the Country and he encourages everyone to contribute in any way possible.