“Media is a powerful tool for information sharing,” says chairman


By Hassan Arun Cosmas – Yei

Media is a very powerful tool in sharing information, says Agele Benson, chairperson of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan or UJOSS in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State

As the globe commemorates the world press freedom day on Tuesday, he explained that media plays important roles in changing and shaping the society, Radio Easter reported.

He adds that media entertains, educates and is a tool for formation that brings peace in the societies.

Benson appreciates media practitioners in Yei for ensuring that citizens are informed of what is taking place within or outside the country.

UJOSS chairperson in Yei regrets that some media personnel fear to cover other events because of the history of harassment that has happened in the fast.

He reveals denial of information to journalists by certain individuals which makes it difficult for information to reach citizens.

The official is disappointed that some people take media as an enemy, advising that the media is to educate, inform and encourage peaceful coexistence in communities.

The official is disappointed that some people take media as an enemy, advising that the media is to educate, inform and encourage peaceful coexistence in communities.

He urges the journalists to be courageous, determined and confident to save lives of the people through information sharing to develop the nation.

The chairperson advises the media personnel to be accurate reliable and avoid being bias, but balance stories.

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The head of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan spoke to Radio Easter on Tuesday in Yei.