“God wants us to be simple in life”, priest tells believers


The assistant parish priest of Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral of Torit Catholic Diocese is calling on the believers to be simple in their ways of life.

Fr. David Taban while preaching to the congregation on Holy Thursday urges Christians to render services to the people.

Fr. Taban encourages the faithful to be instruments of transformation by being humble and showing the light of God to others.

//The simplicity is what is expected of us as Christians, that we must be simple and we must render services to all our own brothers and sisters, in that way,  we become instruments of transformation in our society, in our various places, we need to be a light where we live, we need to live exemplary life, simple lives which would be raised by the neighbours that such a person is very humble, its only when we see the needs of our brothers and sisters, lets portray that we are Christians by our deeds, that’s when we do the will of God not our own will and God will elevate us up//.

The priest advises the faithful to treat people equally without any discrimination or favour.

He says, the children of God should portray God’s image and deeds in them.

//Let us be sons and daughters of Christ who are light in the society not causing problems, but when you are a good person, people will say why such should happen! If you are in any office, be a light in that office that is where you are giving services to the people. It’s only through good services that people are remembered. So let’s do the will of God in our different capacities, in that way, we shall be sons and daughters of the light of this Eucharist of the institution of this Sacrament that we must portray, the lives that outside people can see that in a true Christian. Our actions must portray to others that we are Christians, the way we talk to them, the way we do things that anybody outside will know that this one is the Christians//.

The priest made the call to the congregation during mass on Holy Thursday at St’s Peter and Paul of Torit Diocese.