Callers in Torit appeal for promoting Gender equality in education


Callers for Radio Emmanuel 89fm say gender equality should be promoted in education as stated by the Interim Constitution of South Sudan.

During Our School Program Valary Afara, Head teacher for Torit-day Senior Secondary School said even females  can perform better than males henceforth they should not be denied the access to better education.

Afara condemns the acts of some parents who still look at their daughters as assets to generate income and urges them to send the girls to school so as to become good leaders in future

//there is a good number of parents who still look at baby girls as an assets which is a very big miss conception for that matter because now, what a girl can do, can be done by a boy also, the different is only biologically but otherwise mentally, they are all the same sometimes you go and find out that girls can do better in education than some boys and as such, they should not be denied on their rights to education, and when you go to interim constitution, the right of a children is the right of education, and if they are educated, tomorrow we will find out that we’ll move from thirty five percent to even fifty, and from fifty it may go beyond that one, you go to seventy five percent depending on how we educate them//Afara Valery

Mama Grace a caller from Hai mission says girls should be supported for the success of their educations

//these girls are important as boys are, we must let them go to school, and a woman is caring, a woman is the owner of the home, when a women is educated, she will take good care of the home because she will be the one with the children and control everything at home, a man only come home sometimes late at night, wake up in the morning come late, and will not know what happen, only the person who is always with children is a woman. Even in term of work, they can get job and help the home, her husband, we must support girls, because there are few educated girls we have, some of them ended in the middle//Mama Grace

Another caller Luka from Mairo adds that Covid-19 pandemic has made many girls to drop out of school

He ask schools administration to help parents in term of fees payment to keep girls in schools as their parents look for money to clear their fees

//you know when you send a girl to school and she is done with her studies, the girl will benefit even you parents will benefit from her, the girl can come and buy you a car or build you a house, that is when a girl is educated, it is very important to send girls to school because you will benefit from it. Am talking like this because Corona has disrupted a lot of girls, children were at home, and now because of school fee many children are not going to school, so am asking school authorities to look into that//Luka-Mairo

The speakers made the remarks on Thursday during a discussion on “Equality of girls and boys in education” on Our School program supported by BBC Media Action in South Sudan We Want program