Women for Change launch menstrual stigma’s project in Yei


Women for Change organization, in partnership with women for women and Safer World, has launched a gender based violence and menstrual project in Yei.

The project entitled, “Be alert, stop gender based violence and menstrual stigma in, and through schools in Yei- South Sudan”, Radio Easter reports.

It aims at supporting the wellbeing and economic stability of widows, school dropout and children suffering from intentional and unintentional causes.

The project is funded by CSSF, with sub-funding from SAFERWORLD and Women for Women organization.

Women for Women International Focal Person, Marline Yayi, says the organization operates in areas of economic empowerment, peace building, GBV and COVID-19.

Executive Director of Women for Change, Anna Tazita, calls for cooperation from all partners and stakeholders.

Meanwhile, Yei County Relief and Rehabilitation Secretary, Mabe Moses, calls for team work.

He reiterates on sustainability and having holistic approach in projects implementation.

Women for Change organization embarks on including women, child and general protection, education, reproductive health, and peace building.

The initiation brought in some county government officials, civil society organizations, students, teachers, partners and stakeholders at youth garden in Yei River County.