Bishop Tombe calls for prayers for vacant dioceses to have shepherds soon

South and South Sudan Bishops' Plenary Assembly 2021

President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sudan and South Sudan Bishop Yunnan Tombe Trille while opening the plenary, urged fellow leaders to pray for the remaining vacant dioceses so that they may have shepherds soon.

“I want also together we pray for the remaining dioceses that they may get soon shepherds to care for them, off course that soon means also our contributions, I mean taking a little and serous time not only prayers, but also recommending the candidates proposed to us and we speak the right thing and make our contribution, that will be a very good sign also for helping those who are concerned so that shepherds, friends and brothers to us are added to our number”, he appealed.

Bishop Tombe states that the purpose of the plenary assembly is to foster the spirit of their togetherness, responsibility, solidarity and cooperation for the Christians both Sudan and South Sudan.

The President of the Conference explains that they can only promote the integral well being of the faithful through having proper structure and administration in the Conference.

He says they should also talk of the well being of the assets of the national institutions.

The Catholic leader appreciates the last plenary which brought fruitful result of Bishops of Wau Diocese and Bishop-elect of Rumbek.

The president of Sudan and South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ conference officially open the plenary of Wednesday at Good Shepherd Peace Center in Kit, Juba.

The plenary is under the theme: “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me”.