Minister says insecurity threatens investors in South Sudan

The minister of Investment delivering his speech
the Minister while delivering his speech

The minister of investment says insecurity across the country, especially along the roads has threatened investors in South Sudan.

Dr.Dhieu Mathok Ding Wol says investors fear to operate in the nation due to the rampant movement of people with guns.

“We need peace and stability for us (South Sudan) to receive investors).”he adds

Dr Mathok says “Insecurity doesn’t go along with investment. Leave alone gun shots. But the fact that there are guns moving around in the city, the men in uniform, and tanks moving around, that’s threatening for investments.”

He urges the young people to stop making troubles and spreading rumors that may scare investors and cause distractions.

“The maintenance of security is really very important, and media can also help in this. What kill us in South Sudan are rumours 80 0r 90 percent are created, fabricated rumour which are not true. It’s being circulated through social media. We need stability for us (South Sudan) to have investment. We have been receiving genuine and serious investors seeking for investment on different sectors including Agriculture, Tourism, Education, Mining and health”,

The minister assures citizens of more investors to come to the country once peace is maintained.

Dr Dhieu Mathok was speaking to media during a press conference in the ministry of investment office in Juba.