Missionary calls on Christians to work for change

St Paul’s Missionary Priest at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Reverend Ukpong Mathias called on Christians to be innovative and commit themselves to work in changing lives.
He encouraged the faithful to overcome darkness to follow the light of Christ.
Fr Mathias told the congregation to work together in bringing about positive change in the society.
‘Where there is darkness in other way, where there is sin we should bring light of such a region, to such people because light and darkness cannot work together then light will always over power darkness if this church is dark then light come in everywhere will brightens us and so that is now every Christian should be. When you get to place then everything is not going well as a follower Christ, you should bring about change you should be innovative’, he emphasized.
Catholic priest added that Christians should work for peace building and reconciliation so as to relief the suffering of citizens.
‘We should be instrument of reconciliation on peace when we get to trouble place when we to troubles situation we are made to bring reconciliation where there is money where there is fighting we are made to bring reconciliation and peace nobody should be alternated nobody should’, he appealed.
The speaker was preaching to the congregation at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Torit on Sunday.