Torit Diocese celebrates feast of St. Theresa

Catholic Diocese of Torit celebrates the 93rd anniversary of feast of St. Theresa the child of Jesus Isohe parish.
Radio Emmanuel quotes Bishop Stephen Ameyu saying to Christians drown from various parishes and chapels, that the feast reminds them about the life of St. Theresa when she joined the Covent at the age of 15.
He says Theresa was a humble young girl known in her society and she answered God’s call to serve his people.
‘My dear people of God we have to celebrate this feast of child Jesus, it is a feast that unite us in every simple and humble way. Sts Theresa of the child Jesus was a saint who dedicated her life for the love of God; she joined the convent at the age of fifteen because she wanted to serve God,’ Bishop Stephen stresses
He explains that the church is nearing to its centenary which will be celebrated in the same year with the main Diocese. 
The Catholic prelate mentions that eight parishes were established by Missionaries such as Sts Peter and Paul our lady of Holy Rosary, Loa among others. 
The bishop tasked parish priest Fr. Peter Ben to start preparing for the centenary of the parish.
‘This church is almost a hundred years; we shall celebrate the hundred years of existence of St. Theresa of the child Jesus and other eight parishes which were established by missionaries. I want you people of Isohe to celebrate your own centenary Fr Peter Ben you have to know from now,”he adds
Bishop Ameyu advises the faithful to imitate Sts Theresa who was admired by the Pope Pious 11th who installed her as saint due to her obedience.
Bishop Martin gave the sacrament of confirmation to 118 candidates in the parish during the occasion.