Citizens of Manyangok County welcome new commissioner

Thousands of citizens, school children, women, and elderly people on Tuesday welcome the new commissioner of Manyangok County in Tonj State.
Commissioner John Garang Mabior vows to maintain peace in the county with it neighboring counties in the state, Don Bosco Radio reports.
He calls on communities to be calm as government is working hard to return the raided cattle to the rightful owners.
Garang promises that county authorities will work to return cattle looted from the neighboring counties to avoid clashes across the state.
The commissioner urges the community of Manyangok County to stay in peace with the neighboring counties
Garang cites one of the major challenges facing Manyangok County to be lack of drugs and health facilities.
Three women died during birth and seven children died of malaria cases in the county due to the lack of health facilities, he regrets.
The commissioner spoke to Don Bosco Radio during his public rally in Manyangok County in Tonj State on Tuesday.