Vote of no confidence against Health minister not satisfactory, says governor

The governor of Wau in the meeting with members of State Legislative Assembly on Tuesday said he will not relief the Minister of Health because he is not satisfied with the procedures of voting him out.
Angelo Taban Biajo explained that the members who passed a vote of no confidence against the minister did not reach two third majority of the members in the assembly. 
The governor justified that if he releases the minister of health then it will be a daily routine for the assembly members to vote out any minister which according to him will cause problem in the future.
Acting speaker, Viola Alexander Umeli, said no authority or court is allowed to interfere with what the assembly passed and the speaker signed based on article 89 of the state constitution.
It is not clear when the governor is going to relief the voted out minister of health, based on the powers the state constitution provides on the article 114 sub-article 2.