Gunshot injuries still high despite peace in South Sudan, says ICRC

The number of patients admitted to International Committee of the Red Cross or ICRC surgical units in South Sudan with gunshots remains high regardless of the peace agreement.
ICRC Spokesperson Florian Seriex told CRN that the organization receives patients almost every day.
‘We receive new patients almost every day. So ICRC supports two key hospitals in South Sudan. One is in Juba and the other one in Ganyiel. The injuries don’t necessarily happen in Juba or Ganyiel, but the patients are brought from all the different parts of the country.’ says Seriex.
The spokesperson reports that inter-communal violence mostly linked to cattle raids and revenge killing continues to threaten lives at an alarming rate.
‘Ninety seven percent of admitted patients over the last six months period suffered gunshot wounds. An indication of a high prevalent and easy access to firearms’, he stresses.
Seriex says stability will be key for South Sudanese to recover from years of conflict.
‘Millions of South Sudanese are already facing severe food insecurity. Stability will be a key for South Sudanese to recover from years of conflict. Any form of violence prevents them from normal life,’ the spokesperson reiterates.
He promises that they will continue to deliver emergency assistance to communities affected by violence, but hopes to put more efforts into helping people recover and prosper, not just survive’.
The spokes person was speaking to CRN on Monday in Juba.