National government arrests two students and closes their College in Wau

Delegation from the National Ministries of Health and Higher Education closed down the college down St Mary College for Nursing and Midwifery and arrested two students.
Matur Makur Koryom, undersecretary of Ministry of Health, saying they closed up the college after student made strike due to tuition fees to be paid in US Dollars.
He explains that the College will remain close until the end of May to avoid damages on staff and materials.
Some female students expressed disappointment with the decision taken by the national delegation.
Students’ representative says the decision made by the delegation is not fair instead; they should address some issues in the petition.
The students are calling for immediate release of their colleagues who were arrested while some were beaten up.
The closure of the college came after the student had presented numbers of their demands from the administration of St. Mary concerning the reduction of study fees, from six hundred US Dollars to affordable South Sudanese Pounds.
They also say food at camps should be free and the transport issues from camps to college in Zogolona.