Priests advises Christians to commit to God and desist all temptations

The Parish Priest of St Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Catholic Diocese of Torit is encouraging faithful to commits to God’s teaching to resist temptations.
Radio Easter quoted Father Leonsio Omina Okwormoi preaching that Christians to abstain from sinful acts such as insult, disobedience among others.
He cautions Christians to remain strong in faith
‘Today when we remember his entrance into Jerusalem the opening prayer say that we may enter into heavenly Jerusalem, Jerusalem which is not in Israel there that is only a symbol but we as the people of God we as the church are more than what we can express today as we celebrate this feast year everywhere people are praising Jesus who had created as new people and so forth, In Isaiah we only hear how he was not able to turn away from insult those who are glittering him he did not face a way but he remain very strong but to do the will of Father’, he emphazises.
The priest urges the congregation to keep praying for strength and confidence amidst difficulties.
He tells Christians to know their roles as God’s children in spreading the good news to the needy.
‘My friends, we pray that the good lord Jesus may strengthen us, that the good lord Jesus may encourage us when we get difficulties in our lives especially as we have carried the cross of responsibility as parents for our children as teachers for our children as children to several mothers and fathers and as doctor to some of the sick all kinds of work for life they are part and partial of the crosses that we do for nothing but except the service of the people of God’, he notes.
‘Jesus is expecting us today to be surrounded by love, joy and peace with one another’ Fr. Omina adds.
Parish Priest Father Leonsio Omina was preaching at St Peter and Peter Cathedral in Torit on Psalm Sunday.