Head teachers complain low turn up for registration in Rumbek schools

Head teachers of primary schools in Western Lakes State on Wednesday complained about slow registration of pupils to 2019 academic year in Rumbek.
Speaking to Good News Radio at Future Generation Primary and Nursery School head teacher Isaac Matur Magok says they did not identify the problem why parents are not bringing children for enrollment.
The problem of finance is the problem since Christmas season just ended recently, he explains.
Magok appeals to the parents and guardians to register their children for classes to start.
Principal of Future Generation Sony Harrick explains that they have opened the school, teachers are available and the turning up of the pupils is very poor.
She says her school administration is cooperating with parents by allowing their old pupils without money to attend classes until they get something to pay for the school.
Head teacher of Mabor Ngap Primary School Moses Makol blames parents for confusing their children and delaying them without education.
He says some guardians protested about community contribution which is one thousand two hundred unlike private schools which even more, he elaborates.
Makol assures the parents that the education of today needs the intervention of guardians by paying school requirements to facilitate the smooth running of the learning.
Good News Radio could not reach parents to explain why they are not bringing their children for registration.