Torit Governor urges farmers to plant variety of food crops

Torit State Governor is calling on farmers to cultivate different crops including cassava, tomatoes and sorghum to reduce worries of hunger in the future.
Tobiolo Alberio Oromo while talking to hundreds at Moruari B residential area says planting only one type of food crops is the cause of hunger among communities, Radio Emmanuel reports.
He advises the local farmers to cultivate big hectares of lands to increase food production.
‘Our issue is here, planting only one type of crop is the one bringing us hunger, we have to plant durra, Cassava, potato, groundnut because there are other crops which resist the sun if it rains like for four months it will gets that this cassava and potato is ripen and we to have cultivate big gardens, this is a solution to food insecurity if the sun spoil the cultivated durra and we cannot promise anything like food because people concern of food are there and they have not given us any report and we inform them to bring food for work to help the youth still there is no respond’, he notices.
The Governor says this year harvest is poor worrying of hunger in the state in time to come.
‘The issue of food security for sure this year is a bad year, the rain is heavy in some parts and spoils gardens and in some parts there is no rain and the sun burns gardens so this year is a bad year and we to know that this is a natural calamity. It is not a man made, and the humanitarians organization supporting people with food, they are also saying the food they are bringing to help people is small this why we say the peace we have, we have to enter a long River Kineite to plant crops which can help, plant tomatoes and in the beginning of the year we should not only plant durra’, he advises.
The Governor was addressing the communities of Moruari B residential area in Torit town on Saturday.