Christians contribute over one million pounds during fundraising

Christians from the twenty seven Parishes have contributed over one million South Sudanese pounds during a fundraising ceremony held in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio.
The event is known as Humekodabe or Fundraising for the development of the Diocese both Pastoral and social works in the Diocese.
Fr. Gamboripai William Abbass Diocesan Secretary for Finance shortly after the occasion announced the amount contributed.
He confirms that the fundraising was organized to give humble time to people in the Diocese to have an event called family day once a year.
Whereby, Christians from the dioceses bring their contributions in kind or in cash out of their will for the growth of the church.
Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala appreciates Christians for their generous support which indicates their love and ownership for the Church.
He reveals that some of the money contributed will be used for paying professors and lecturers of St. John Catholic University Yambio Campus and caring for seminarians and orphans in Yambio.