South Sudan and UNMISS inaugurate Prisons Development Committee in Juba

South Sudan and the UN Mission in South Sudan have inaugurated Prisons Development Committee or PDC at the National Prisons Service of South Sudan or NPS Headquarters in Juba.
The PDC was formed by Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Moustapha Soumaré, and the Deputy Minister of Interior Riaw Gatlir Gai.
In a statement extended to CRN, UNMISS says the formation of the PDC is part of ongoing technical cooperation between the UN Mission and the National Prison Service.
Addressing the gathering, Interior Minister Riaw Gatlir Gai stressed that the Prisons Committee will strengthen the relationship between the government and its development partners.
Gatlir advocated that the PDC focus foremost on measures to ensure the rehabilitation of prisoners into the society.
Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Moustapha Soumar√© reaffirmed UNMISS’s commitment to provide technical assistance and advice to NPS. This is to create a safe, secure, and human prison system.
He described the PDC as a robust coordination mechanism that will bring together all stakeholders to give strategic guidance and support to the prison service.
The NPS’ vision is a professional, ethical and responsive organization that contributes to public safety and security. This is according to a presentation made on behalf of Gen Henry Kuany Aguar, Director General of NPS.
The NPS urged the international community to support it in infrastructure development, health and hygiene for prisoners, and radio communications facilities linking national and upcountry prisons.
It also urged to reduce prolonged and arbitrary detention by identifying and addressing such cases, training in prison records management, and establishing a juvenile remands review board.
NPS advocated for treatment to prisoners by improved budgetary allocation to prisons.