Defy-hate and Juba University train students on Wunlit Peace Conference

Defyhatenow  and University of Juba trained sixteen students on 1999 Wunlit Peace Conference, using Wikipedia platform as resource for peace building.
The training on Tuesday at Women Union in Juba, targeted students willing to know about South Sudan history.
Rebecca Lorins, Assistant Professor in University of Juba, says the training is to teach students about dialogue methodologies.
Wunlit Conference is the most important topic, the students did the research two weeks now and bring sub-topics from that conference, she notes.
Bakhita Jubara student of Mass Communication in the University encourages more such trainings.
She encourages fellow students to have love for the country despite the ongoing conflict to gain peace.
Ms Jubara says she learnt how to do research, check the root causes of the problem and how people can resolve conflicts.
Lino Yai, a student of College of Arts and Humanity advises fellow youth to distance from politics to avoid being misled to fight.
The Dinka-Nuer West Bank Peace and Reconciliation Conference occured in Wunlit town of Bahr El-Ghazal from February 27 to March 8, 1999.
In June 1998, New Sudan Council of Churches facilitated 35 Dinka and Nuer border Chiefs and church leaders on both east and west sides of the Nile River in Lokichogio, Kenya.