Four UN agencies hold forum to discuss on how to report GBV

About four UN agencies have held a joint forum with media practitioners to discuss ways of how to report on Gander Based Violence issue in South Sudan.
The forum aims at enhancing relations between the media personnel and UN agencies who are key elements in fighting against GBV through advocacy. Bakhita Radio reports.
Viola Riek, UNFPA Gender Analyst says, the forum was fruitful based on shared experience on Gender Based Violence.
She explains that rape, domestic violence and child abuse are major forms of GBV among South Sudanese communities.
Joy Zachariah Wani, works for UN women. She says they do carry out awareness on GBV and encourage women to break the silence and speak out when experiencing violence.
Zachariah some norms and traditions are rooted in communities which prevent many women to speak out when undergoing domestic violence.
According to UNFPA 365,000 people are reached by GBV services in 98 health facilities across the country since 2014 to June 2017.