Quitting of teachers contributes to poor examination results, says Imatong official

Imotong state education official says quitting of teachers from their profession contributed to the poor performance of the last year’s candidates results.
Adelio Ojina Quinto observes that many teachers have abundant their profession in search for better Jobs making education sector uncertain in the state. Emmanuel radio reports.
Ojnga admits that teachers lack motivation and they are also paid less that is why they end up quitting their profession. 
Ojnga noted that those who persevere are ‘Gifted by God’ to set light of education to the young one and keep schools running in the state,
During the release of 2016 examination result on Thursday this week, Ojna says, the ministry of education is  yet to investigate reasons why other schools performs poorly in the State.
The director General also questions the credibility of the examination invigilators which he says brings doubt to the high performance of some schools in Imotong state